Die Stryd
Uitkomste: Ons verstaan dat, as Christen, ons opgeroep word tot ’n lewenslange stryd teen die wêreld, ons vlees en die duiwel. Ons verstaan dat daar baie dinge is wat ons aandag wil aftrek van hierdie stryd en om elke dag in gereedheid te leef vir hierdie stryd – gebed en waaksaamheid is dus ons grootste wapens; om oopoë te leef elke dag en die Here voortdurend te vra om ons attent te maak op die dinge wat ons tot ’n val wil bring.
- Ysbreker
- Wie kan al die dele van die Christen se wapenrusting in Ef. 6:14-17 opsê?
- Hoekom het ons hierdie wapenrusting nodig
- Inleiding
- Op watter wyse sou jy sê is die geloof en die lewe wat pas by die geloof ’n stryd?
- Teks
- Lees saam 1 Tim 6:2-14 (kyk om die 2020 vertaling op Bible app te kry of op Bybelmedia app)
- Hoe verstaan jy die term ‘godvresendheid’ in v3 (2020 vertaling)
- Hoekom leer Paulus ons dat ‘godvresendheid wat met tevredenheid gepaardgaan’ ’n groot wins is?
- Kyk na die 6 dinge waarna ’n Christen moet strewe in v11 en gee ’n praktiese voorbeeld van hoe elkeen in jou daaglikse lewe kan lyk
- Inhoud
- Bespreek hierdie aanhaling van J.C Ryle – hoekom lyk die Christendom so?
- “True Christianity! Let us mind that word “true.” There is a vast quantity of religion current in the world which is not true, genuine Christianity. It passes muster, it satisfies sleepy consciences; but it is not good money. It is not the authentic reality that called itself Christianity in the beginning. There are thousands of men and women who go to churches and chapels every Sunday and call themselves Christians. They make a “profession” of faith in Christ. Their names are in the baptismal register. They are reckoned Christians while they live. They are married with a Christian marriage service. They mean to be buried as Christians when they die. But you never see any “fight” about their religion! Of spiritual strife and exertion and conflict and self–denial and watching and warring they know literally nothing at all. Such Christianity may satisfy man, and those who say anything against it may be thought very hard and uncharitable; but it certainly is not the Christianity of the Bible. It is not the religion which the Lord Jesus founded and His apostles preached. It is not the religion which produces real holiness. True Christianity is “a fight. “The true Christian is called to be a soldier and must behave as such from the day of his conversion to the day of his death. He is not meant to live a life of religious ease, indolence and security. He must never imagine for a moment that he can sleep and doze along the way to heaven, like one traveling in an easy carriage. If he takes his standard of Christianity from the children of this world, he may be content with such notions, but he will find no countenance for them in the Word of God. If the Bible is the rule of his faith and practice, he will find his course laid down very plainly in this matter. He must “fight.”
- Toepassing
- Elke goeie soldaat weet dat hulle ’n plan nodig het om weerstand te bied teen die vyand
- Ons vyand is die wêreld, die vlees en die duiwel
- Watter een van hierdie drie het tans ’n ongesonde houvas op jou – hoe kan jou groep daarvoor bid en watter planne kan jy optrek om dit teë te werk?